Soul Journal

by | Mar 19, 2023 | moon magic | 0 comments

Let me talk about some of the journaling practices I do to get closer to my soul essence.

  • It starts with a simple question: What my soul wants me to know? And listen without filter. Then I write down what comes to me. This is a simple intuitive writing exercise that helps me connect with my wiser self. When you try it first, it is very common that you will get very simple messages at first like all is well, you are so loved. Soak in this energy and don’t worry about what you hear. It requires some practice to get more complex messages. Just have the intention to strengthen your soul connection first.
  • Setting an intention and using affirmations. It helps focus my mind so when it wants to ramble I can bring it back to focus on what matters.
  • Pulling a Tarot card or an Oracle card for the day. This connects me to deeper parts of my intuition and can bring up some hidden aspects of the day that I would not notice otherwise.
  • Check-in with your feelings. This is good practice to connect to your feelings. As we grow up we were often encouraged to disconnect from our feelings. You were told not to be sad for example. Latest studies show when we accept our feelings and let them be as they are they naturally change, and we align with the flow of life better. When you feel stuck you can try replacing them with a feeling you prefer. For example, instead of feeling overwhelmed, how can I feel focused today? Imagine how it would feel like to be more focused.
  • Inspired action: What would be the most important thing to do today? After connecting to all this wisdom, you have a better sense of what to do next.
  • Be grateful. Best way to connect to the heart and get some boost of energy.
  • Connect to the Moon. By connecting to the Moon you connect to your own intuition and the energies effecting you that day. I would like to note here, that whatever energies are out there if you connect to your center you are in the driving seat of your life, and you will have a good day. So connecting to the Moon is not about blaming the Moon, or being a victim of the circumstances 💕 Although I have to admit I am guilty of doing that!

It is not about perfection but experimenting, playfulness and joy. This is our soul essence. Let’s connect to that daily.

I have a Soul Journal you can try. Use it on your iPad, print out pages you wish to try or use the prompts in your paper notebook! You can download it from here.

Photo by Jay Mantri on Unsplash

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